"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty".
Sir Winston Churchill

Our mission is to provide our customers with our products and services in such a way that our customers are satisfied and consider us to be their preferred supplier.
We wish to create packaging solutions and services developed in partnership with our customers.
We seek for integrity and fairness in our relationships and will always strive for open and accurate communication.
We wish to focus and specialize on a limited number of products and achieve maximum efficiency in doing so, thus keeping our competitive edge.
We will continuously use our creativity, experience and network to find economical solutions whilst maintaining the optimal balance between performance and costs.
Our goal is to be actively involved in the development of Bio-based, non-oil based films and Paper as an alternative to conventional polymers resp. replace conventional fossil-based films with biobased materials, whenever possible.
We wish to remain a low-cost, lean organization, able to react quickly and creatively to new market developments and opportunities.
In summary, we wish to remain: